Pylons Testnet Incentive NFT

Welcome everyone! It's time to share the link to our celebration NFT. The incentivized testnet will launch soon, but you can start getting points now. Holders of this NFT will get a small reward after the incentivized phase, so Grab on to the spaceship!

Testnet Rewards Spaceship
Launch spaceship for the Pylons incentivized testnet. Holders of this item when the first testnet is shut down will receive incentive points in the up...Price: 10 STRIPEUSD
Image by @StargazeChad on Twitter

To buy this, click the link on your mobile, download the Pylons app, and enter a Stripe test credit card, 4242 4242 4242 4242. Any future date, CVV, and zip code will work.

If you have any trouble please let us know in the Discord support channel!