Look down. The Pylons revenue token is available now. Dig into the missions that will unearth the gems you crave.

We know you yearn for the mines. Let's get to work.

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Alpha Shaft

  1. Collect ChadxAI drops. The first three have sold out, but ask around on X you might get one. Try the hashtag #pylonschad. The fourth is coming soon, follow @pylonstech
  2. Collect from affiliated artists like Deb Clark
  3. Collect from as many other wallets as possible!


Beta Shaft

1: Mint at least one free drop and have another wallet claim it
App Store  Play Store

2: Mint a paid drop and get another wallet to buy it

3: Try to have as many collectors as possible

4: Diamonds will flow to those who sell the most art


Get Your Tools

We are going to the core. Mission control system is coming. More quests are coming.


Stargaze users who created or minted from collections will receive a $ROCK drop

Are you part of a communituy that should get a Pylons airdrop? Tweet at @pylonstech with hashtag #pleasedroprock

Pylons is a proud member of the Blockchain Game Alliance