Apr 19, 2022

Monday Update #4 - Banff

Hi from sunny Alberta, where I'm speaking at the NFT Gathering in a few days!

First, as we move towards launching our next testnet, we want to thank the validators who made the first testnet possible. This testnet enabled us to build out our explorer, test our upgrade protocols, develop our apps, and learn how our system would work at scale. All validators in the current testnet will receive points towards rewards at the conclusion of the incentivized testnet. Thank you, all.

Phase 1 of the incentivized testnet will focus on usability, which means trying out the apps and SDKs, reporting bugs, and writing/improving documentation. The testnet has a set challenges for anyone who wants to participate, so head out to your local app store (Android and iOS) and download the Pylons app to join in. We'll share ways to earn points using the app starting next Monday. If you have any issue installing Pylons, ping our #support channel on Discord.

Things are moving fast! We can't wait to announce the details of the testnet and more about our apps this month.

Pylons is a proud member of the Blockchain Game Alliance